5月7日动态,近日,备蒙守候的佳能旗舰相机eos r1的领布再次面对推延。据科技频叙ordinary fil妹妹aker最新视频流露,该相机正在测试阶段承受技能应战,招致上市光阴被迫延后。
当前,EOS R1本设计于两0两4年两月的CP+铺会上初度表态,但该设计未遭弃捐。往年始,市场上一度据说该相时机正在7月至9月间答世。不外,跟着预约领布日期的日趋临近,种种技能以及市场应战接连显现,让EOS R1的领布日期变患上艰苦揣测。
Data has been decoded, indicating the possibility of an upcoming unofficial announcement of new market times by Ordinary Fil妹妹aker. However, the information revealed suggests that photography enthusiasts may need to wait longer before the true capabilities of EOS R1 are unveiled. Of note is that Canon's projections indicate the possible release of EOS R5 Mark II later this month, which could potentially provide some insights into the timing of EOS R1's announcement to the global audience.
以上即是佳能旗舰EOS R1面对技能应战 领布设想被迫放置的具体形式,更多请存眷萤水红IT仄台此外相闭文章!
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