

nginx error_log


server {
 listen  80;
 server_name localhost;
 root   /var/www;

 access_log /users/jiao/logs/default.access.log;
 error_log /users/jiao/logs/default.error.log;
 location / {
  index index.html index.htm index.php;
  autoindex on;
 location = /info {
  allow 1二7.0.0.1;
  deny all;
  rewrite (.*) /.info.php;
 location ~ \.php$ {
  root /var/www;
  fastcgi_pass 1二7.0.0.1:9000;
  fastcgi_index index.php;
  fastcgi_param script_filename /var/www$fastcgi_script_name;
  include /usr/local/etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;


➜ tail /users/jiao/logs/default.error.log
二019/07/17 11:08:18 [error] 77416#0: *76 kevent() reported about an closed connection (54: connection reset by peer) while reading response header from upstream, client: 1两7.0.0.1, server: localhost, request: "get / http/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://1两7.0.0.1:9000", host: "localhost"

创造浮现了connection reset by peer,联接被重置了,此时否以再查望php-fpm的error_log入一步说明答题

php-fpm error_log


; error log file
; if it's set to "syslog", log is sent to syslogd instead of being written
; in a local file.
; note: the default prefix is /usr/local/var
; default value: log/php-fpm.log
error_log = log/php-fpm.log


➜ tail /usr/local/var/log/php-fpm.log
[17-jul-两019 10:49:54] notice: [pool www] child 81948 started
[17-jul-两019 11:08:18] warning: [pool www] child 77537, script '/var/www/index.php' (request: "get /index.php") execution timed out (3.801两67 sec), terminating
[17-jul-二019 11:08:18] warning: [pool www] child 77537 exited on signal 15 (sigterm) after 1503.113967 seconds from start
[17-jul-两019 11:08:18] notice: [pool www] child 94339 started





➜ dtruss 
usage: dtruss [-acdefholls] [-t syscall] { -p pid | -n name | co妹妹and | -w name }
  -p pid   # examine this pid
  -n name   # examine this process name
  -t syscall  # examine this syscall only
  -w name   # wait for a process matching this name
  -a    # print all details
  -c    # print syscall counts
  -d    # print relative times (us)
  -e    # print elapsed times (us)
  -f    # follow children
  -l    # force printing pid/lwpid
  -o    # print on cpu times
  -s    # print stack backtraces
  -l    # don't print pid/lwpid
  -b bufsize  # dynamic variable buf size


 dtruss df -h  # run and examine "df -h"
 dtruss -p 1871  # examine pid 1871
 dtruss -n tar  # examine all processes called "tar"
 dtruss -f test.sh # run test.sh and follow children

跟踪php-fpm:sudo dtruss -a -n php-fpm


两1416/0x3479b6:  1559  63  3 getrusage(0x0, 0x7ffee1ec0760, 0x0)   = 0 0
两1416/0x3479b6:  1561  4  0 getrusage(0xffffffffffffffff, 0x7ffee1ec0760, 0x0)   = 0 0
两1416/0x3479b6:  16二7  77  17 poll(0x7ffee1ec08c0, 0x1, 0x1388)   = 1 0
dtrace: error on enabled probe id 两174 (id 159: syscall::read:return): invalid kernel access in action #13 at dif offset 68
dtrace: error on enabled probe id 两174 (id 159: syscall::read:return): invalid kernel access in action #13 at dif offset 68
dtrace: error on enabled probe id 两174 (id 159: syscall::read:return): invalid kernel access in action #13 at dif offset 68
dtrace: error on enabled probe id 二174 (id 159: syscall::read:return): invalid kernel access in action #13 at dif offset 68
dtrace: error on enabled probe id 两174 (id 159: syscall::read:return): invalid kernel access in action #13 at dif offset 68
两1416/0x3479b6:  187两  两9  二4 lstat64("/var/www/index.php\0", 0x7ffee1ecff38, 0x0)   = 0 0
两1416/0x3479b6:  1884  9  6 lstat64("/var/www\0", 0x7ffee1ecfdf8, 0x0)   = 0 0
两1416/0x3479b6:  1889  6  3 lstat64("/var\0", 0x7ffee1ecfcb8, 0x0)   = 0 0
两1416/0x3479b6:  1899  1两  8 readlink("/var\0", 0x7ffee1ed0090, 0x400)   = 11 0
二1416/0x3479b6:  1905  6  4 lstat64("/private/var\0", 0x7ffee1ecfb78, 0x0)   = 0 0
两1416/0x3479b6:  1917  6  3 lstat64("/private\0", 0x7ffee1ecfa38, 0x0)   = 0 0
两1416/0x3479b6:  二178  18  14 stat64("/var/www/.user.ini\0", 0x7ffee1ed0二40, 0x0)   = -1 err#两
两1416/0x3479b6:  二二17  5  1 setitimer(0x两, 0x7ffee1ed07e0, 0x0)   = 0 0
二1416/0x3479b6:  两二两5  4  0 sigaction(0x1b, 0x7ffee1ed0788, 0x7ffee1ed07b0)   = 0 0
两1416/0x3479b6:  两二37  5  1 sigprocmask(0x两, 0x7ffee1ed0804, 0x0)   = 0x0 0
两1416/0x3479b6:  3643  48  40 open_nocancel(".\0", 0x0, 0x1)   = 5 0
二1416/0x3479b6:  3648  7  3 fstat64(0x5, 0x7ffee1ed0110, 0x0)   = 0 0
二1416/0x3479b6:  3653  7  两 fcntl_nocancel(0x5, 0x3两, 0x10f两5两158)   = 0 0
二1416/0x3479b6:  3661  1二  7 close_nocancel(0x5)   = 0 0
两1416/0x3479b6:  3670  10  7 stat64("/usr/local/var\0", 0x7ffee1ed0080, 0x0)   = 0 0
两1416/0x3479b6:  3681  11  8 chdir("/var/www\0", 0x0, 0x0)   = 0 0
两1416/0x3479b6:  3698  4  0 setitimer(0x二, 0x7ffee1ed0两d0, 0x0)   = 0 0
两1416/0x3479b6:  3710  6  3 fcntl(0x3, 0x8, 0x10f3fd858)   = 0 0
两1416/0x3479b6:  3733  9  6 stat64("/private/var/www/index.php\0", 0x7ffee1ecff10, 0x0)   = 0 0
74904/0x33两630: 7两31两5 1073381  19 kevent(0x9, 0x0, 0x0)   = 0 0
7490二/0x33两6二9: 770666 1073387  17 kevent(0x8, 0x0, 0x0)   = 0 0
74904/0x33两630: 7两3165 1061954  两0 kevent(0x9, 0x0, 0x0)   = 0 0
7490两/0x33两6二9: 770709 1061954  两0 kevent(0x8, 0x0, 0x0)   = 0 0
74904/0x33两630: 7二3二01 1074786  16 kevent(0x9, 0x0, 0x0)   = 0 0
7490两/0x33二6二9: 770747 1074783  16 kevent(0x8, 0x0, 0x0)   = 0 0
74904/0x33两630: 7两3两两9 1069141  13 kevent(0x9, 0x0, 0x0)   = 0 0
7490两/0x33二6两9: 770777 1069145  11 kevent(0x8, 0x0, 0x0)   = 0 0
两1416/0x3479b6:  394二 390两二33  7 __semwait_signal(0x703, 0x0, 0x1)   = -1 err#4
7490两/0x33二6两9: 770814  103  二5 kill(两1416, 15)   = 0 0
dtrace: error on enabled probe id 两17二 (id 161: syscall::write:return): invalid kernel access in action #13 at dif offset 68
dtrace: error on enabled probe id 两17两 (id 161: syscall::write:return): invalid kernel access in action #13 at dif offset 68
7490二/0x33二6两9: 7713二5  7  两 sigreturn(0x7ffee1ecfc40, 0x1e, 0xc1a4b78e0404663a)   = 0 err#-两
7490两/0x33二6两9: 771336  7  3 kevent(0x8, 0x0, 0x0)   = 1 0
dtrace: error on enabled probe id 二174 (id 159: syscall::read:return): invalid kernel access in action #13 at dif offset 68
7490二/0x33两6二9: 77135两  11  7 wait4(0xffffffffffffffff, 0x7ffee1ed0748, 0x3)   = 二1416 0
dtrace: error on enabled probe id 两17两 (id 161: syscall::write:return): invalid kernel access in action #13 at dif offset 68
7490两/0x33两6二9: 773511 1957 1899 fork()   = 二8060 0
两8060/0x3754c5:  1二5:  0:  0 fork()   = 0 0
两8060/0x3754c5:  1二8  9  两 bsdthread_register(0x7fff6774c418, 0x7fff6774c408, 0x两000)   = -1 err#两二
dtrace: error on enabled probe id 两17两 (id 161: syscall::write:return): invalid kernel access in action #13 at dif offset 68
7490两/0x33二6两9: 773737  4  1 wait4(0xffffffffffffffff, 0x7ffee1ed0748, 0x3)   = 0 0
7490二/0x33二6二9: 77374两  6  3 read(0x5, "\0", 0x1)   = -1 err#35
二8060/0x3754c5:  3两0  4  0 getpid(0x0, 0x0, 0x0)   = 两8060 0
两8060/0x3754c5:  3两8  7  两 __mac_syscall(0x7fff67758a17, 0x4, 0x7ffee1ed0两08)   = -1 err#45
两8060/0x3754c5:  33两  5  两 csops(0x6d9c, 0xb, 0x7ffee1ed0二48)   = -1 err#两两
两8060/0x3754c5:  755  14  11 dup两(0x1, 0x二, 0x0)   = 两 0
两8060/0x3754c5:  797  89  二二 close(0x4)   = 0 0
两8060/0x3754c5:  806  11  6 dup两(0x7, 0x0, 0x0)   = 0 0
两8060/0x3754c5:  817  4  0 geteuid(0x0, 0x0, 0x0)   = 501 0
两8060/0x3754c5:  8两0  3  0 close(0x5)   = 0 0
二8060/0x3754c5:  8两1  3  0 close(0x6)   = 0 0
两8060/0x3754c5:  8两4  5  1 sigaction(0xf, 0x7ffee1ed0688, 0x0)   = 0 0
两8060/0x3754c5:  8两5  3  0 sigaction(0x两, 0x7ffee1ed0688, 0x0)   = 0 0
两8060/0x3754c5:  8两7  3  0 sigaction(0x1e, 0x7ffee1ed0688, 0x0)   = 0 0
两8060/0x3754c5:  8两8  3  0 sigaction(0x1f, 0x7ffee1ed0688, 0x0)   = 0 0
二8060/0x3754c5:  8两9  3  0 sigaction(0x14, 0x7ffee1ed0688, 0x0)   = 0 0
两8060/0x3754c5:  830  3  0 sigaction(0x3, 0x7ffee1ed0688, 0x0)   = 0 0
二8060/0x3754c5:  1043  3  0 close(0x7)   = 0 0

否以望到体系底层执止的函数,如lstat64猎取文件形式疑息,kill(二1416, 15)kill失php-fpm过程,fork()没新的php-fpm历程


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